EBM 2011
23-27 February

Friday, October 29

...and now EBM in Riga

There is passed almost a week since wonderful AGORA Istanbul. Thanks to all for this amazing event, now it's our turn to start to work... Now it's - EBM 2011 in Riga!

We have done already quite some things - we have the University (www.rsu.lv/eng), deciding about accommodation :), thinking about your food and parties...and of course praying for snow and -15 degrees (it will be enough for representatives from all Southern countries!).

In more details you can watch:

Tonight I'm kicking the others' asses and we start to work hard to make it happen and make it awesome!!!

Keep in touch!
the main coordinator

P.S. You can found us - http://www.ebmriga.org/,
Or write: ebm.riga@gmail.com

Sunday, October 10

nekā diža, bet tomēr

Jau nedēļa pagājusi... jāatskaitās... Hmm, nav tāads sajūtas, ka būtu izdarīs kas liels. Āāāā, 1dien iesniedzu Sorosa fonda savu daļu. Tas gan man aizņēma zināmu laiku, bet nu vismaz guvu noderīgas zināšanas.
Esmu arī sākusi domār par City tour, idejas ir.... Tik vēl līdz realizācijai jātiek


P.S. Kaut kā izskatās, ka sākotnējā ideja par šo blogu nerealizējas- vismaz reizi nedēļā jāraksta, kas pa/nedarīts. Žēl gan, ka tā!

Wednesday, October 6

I`m dreaming of the white..

Šonakt sapņoju, ka te ielogojoties, redzu kādus 7 jaunus postus.
Biju tik pārsteigta, ka pamodos.

Īstenībā tā bija pirmā reize, kad AEGEE redzēju sapnī. 
Tas ir labi vai slikti?:)


Monday, October 4

Doma - Izdoma

Tīstos, tīstos un pamazām attīstos.
Slodzi un tempu jāpalielina esot pamazām, tā es lasīju. Tad ir tas efekts, pēc kā dzenamies.

Bet vispār - ir doma, pagaidām gan vēl maza, - bet "tieši tādas jau top lielas"(yo-yo..esmu Gustiņa fans!)

Izmantojam manus >300 ciemiņus? Caur  "fun".
Ķipa uztaisam kādu street activity.
Publicitātei. Par prieku mums, viņiem un sponsoriem.

Kko padalīt, kko parādīt, kkā likt pasmaidīt, mūs iemūžināt, piefiksēt.
Un saistīt ne tik daudz ar pašu pasākumu, bet ar organizācijas mērķiem kopumā.

Cik reāli pašā agendā atrast brīvu brīdi šādai aktivitātei?
Citādi, liekas, ka ir pat ļoti vērts  - tādu kvantumu brīvprātīgo katru dienu nesavāksi.:)


Sunday, October 3

Week review

Wow..time goes so fast..
It was just week ago, when I was taking some time, to get more energy and AEGEE spirit in Milano...
After coming back I tried to do my best looking for new sponsors and other kind of funds.. Big tnx to Elina and Eva for helping me and The Angels team :P
New idea i remember and finally get into the life was getting new people who need practise from portal prakse.lv, where we had account, but theses years it was not so useful for our organization. Just in one day I received 7 applications for assistant positions for EBM preparation- hope some of people will really get into AEGEE and help us...
One other thing I did, was sending personal letters to all AEGEE Riga members and it seems to start working, because finally I get some response...Lets see what will happen in next org meeting :)
At the moment I'm doing my best to get our EBM webpage done till AGORA, because it is so important....Big tnx to Marek- our great IT guy ;)
There are still important things to deal with- make representative materials already with logo, to make some PR at AGORA :),find the way to get to schools with Yourope needs You2, guess how cold will be this winter and finally improve our comunication and public relation plan for EBM...Oh, I forgot elections in AEGEE Riga...it also will bring some new energy and change...

A lot to do, but still, I really hope it will be legen- wait for it- dary!
For some inspiration see the video :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5VRtNeVIgA&playnext=1&videos=kJsl7m25v1w&feature=artistob

Friday, October 1

visādi gadās

Nu ko, lai saka. Tāda tā politika ir- sola, sola, velk gumiju un gan jau, ka rīt jau arī pasūtīs, jo vēlēšanas būs galā un nevienam vairāk neinteresēs, kas rakstīts abstraktajos partiju programmu papīros, jo paši nemaz laikam arī nesaprot, kas ar to domāts.
Bet rokas nedrīkstam nolaist, ir nosūtīts sponsorēšanas anketa LMT, top projekts Sorosa fondam; tā ka jābūt!!!! Ir atrasti papildus darbīgi jaunieši, kas labprāt iesaistītos Ībija lutināšanas kampaņā :)
